The transport sector is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in Switzerland. How can these emissions be reduced in a way that is as economically and socially acceptable as possible? There is still little information available on which to base an answer to this question, which is why it is currently the subject of research by a team from INFRAS and ETH Zurich, as part of the NRP 73 National Research Programme.

The team has developed a range of scenarios to examine how transport-related emissions might be reduced up to 2050, and what implications the various measures might have for Switzerland, in terms of the labour market, gross domestic product, or distribution effects, for example. The project is founded on scientific model calculations and also draws on expert knowledge of the markets concerned.
INFRAS is conducting the study in collaboration with the Chair of Economics/Resource Economics at ETH Zurich. The project forms part of the ‘Sustainable Economy’ National Research Programme. The aim of this research programme is to generate practicable, future-oriented knowledge about a sustainable economy that takes holistic account of the environment, the economy and society. Further information on the project is available here.