Sustainable Development: Do We Make Any Progress?

Dec. 15, 2016

Extreme poverty and hunger shall be eradicated by 2030. These are two of the in total 17 goals, which have been set by almost 200 UN Member States in the light of the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". The Statistical Office of the European Union has determined a set of indicators for each one of the goals in order to monitor and measure the ongoing progress. Furthermore, a regular overview of the results shall henceforth be published.

Almost 200 UN Member States have committed themselves to sustainable development. Using a set of determined indicators, a Eurostat publication shows where we stand.  (Photo: krasnevsky/Fotolia)
Almost 200 UN Member States have committed themselves to sustainable development. Using a set of determined indicators, a Eurostat publication shows where we stand. (Photo: krasnevsky/Fotolia)

Would you like to know more? Please read the announcement published by the European Commission or also the Eurostat publication, which INFRAS has elaborated in a consortium with the Vienna University of Economics and Business, the Ecologic Institute and the Haymarket Media Group.

Project team

Myriam Steinemann Associate Partner, Member of the INFRAS Board of Directors
Remo Zandonella Senior Project Manager
Anik Kohli Associate Partner
Ariane De Rocchi Freie Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


Sustainable development in the European Union: A statistical glance from the viewpoint of the UN Sustainable Development Goals





Who we work for




Myriam Steinemann Associate Partner, Member of the INFRAS Board of Directors