Sustainability management

6 steps towards corporate sustainability

March 3, 2025

Sustainability is an important topic for companies and organisations - but also a challenging one. INFRAS supports companies on their way to more sustainability: Analysing the current situation, developing goals and a strategy, defining concrete measures and implementing a monitoring system.

Empowering companies to grow sustainably from within: Transparent and comprehensible tools help to understand and integrate sustainability management. (Photo: Daniel Dan / Unsplash)
Empowering companies to grow sustainably from within: Transparent and comprehensible tools help to understand and integrate sustainability management. (Photo: Daniel Dan / Unsplash)

For many companies and organisations, the question is no longer ‘if’, but ‘how’: they want to become more sustainable. Social and regulatory requirements are increasing in many areas of sustainability.

The Swiss Climate and Innovation Act (KlG) supports companies’ roadmaps to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, the Ordinance on Reporting on Climate Issues sets out a framework for Swiss companies, and the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) also requires regular climate reporting by large and listed companies. In addition, there is a growing awareness of biodiversity issues and an increasing focus on social requirements for employers. However, becoming more sustainable can be complex and challenging for companies.

What characterises INFRAS’ approach

INFRAS offers these companies support and accompanies them in the process of their sustainability management. Our aim is to ensure that sustainability management is operationally anchored in the companies and, if desired, can also be continued by the companies themselves. The following principles are at the centre of our support:

  • Demand-driven: We tailor our consulting services to your needs. The focus is different for every company, depending on the industry, the business, the organisational structure and the corporate philosophy. We work with companies on an individual basis, helping them to focus on issues that are important to the company, consistent with its values, and where there is room for improvement.
  • Comprehensible: We use transparent and comprehensible tools and methods that you can easily integrate into your day-to-day operations and use over the long term. Companies that work with us understand the background to their sustainability management and can communicate credibly to their stakeholders.
  • Broadly based: INFRAS works for companies, public administrations and in an international context. Our interdisciplinary team can cover all aspects of sustainability management (ecological, economic, social). We recognise different needs and perspectives and can handle an integrated approach.

INFRAS is on the list of consultants for the "SBTi" project of Go for Impact and supports organisations through a program for sustainable development of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).

An overview of our services:

The 6 steps in our sustainability management

  1. Screening: Together we analyse the current situation and identify the sustainability issues that are important to the company and its stakeholders (materiality analysis). If necessary, we work in workshops to incorporate different perspectives from the company. During the screening process, initial information and databases are compiled and key data gaps are identified. The screening also provides an initial assessment of a reasonable system boundary for the sustainability analysis.
  2. Data collection: The second step is to look for gaps in the company's data. A relevance-orientated approach makes sense here: For material issues, a good data base is important to measure progress. For less important issues, an initial rough estimate is sufficient, which is improved as part of sustainability management. We have extensive experience in filling data gaps.
  3. Sustainability analysis and strategy: The system boundaries are drawn based on the data collected. They should cover the areas that are important from a sustainability perspective and can be influenced at the same time. In the analysis, indicators are derived for the defined sustainability topics that can be used to measure status and progress. For global warming, the basis for these indicators is usually a carbon footprint that quantifies the sources of emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3) according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol). Appropriate goals can be derived from the analysis.
  4. List of measures: Where is a company progressive, where can it improve? The results of the sustainability analysis show where the most effective levers are. The goals indicate, where action should be taken. Together, we develop a customized list of measures. We also identify obstacles and synergies. For example, measures to reduce emissions often have additional cost-saving effects.
  5. Implementation and monitoring: Once the goals have been set and the measures have been decided, we hand the ball over to you. Our goal is to enable you to collect data and monitor key indicators on your own. We do this by providing tools that are tailored to your needs and allow you to easily collect and analyze data. We also provide important tips on how to proceed - for example, how annual prioritisation and a phased approach can help with implementation.
  6. Follow-up and communication: Only what is understood can have a sustainable impact. That is why communicating sustainability management is also part of the process. Perhaps, employees have already been involved in the process - and it is therefore firmly anchored in the company. But even then, it is important to continue to communicate sustainability management. With credible sustainability management, you can also set a good example for important external stakeholders.

Companies can manage tools themselves in the following years

A key objective is to ensure that companies and organisations can actually implement sustainability management in a sustainable way. For example, specific tools are developed in such a way that they can be easily integrated into day-to-day operations and efficiently managed by the companies themselves in the following years. 'It is important to us that companies know their sustainability management from the inside out and can continue to do things on their own,' says INFRAS Associate Partner Felix Weber. This enables companies to credibly anchor their sustainability management internally and communicate it externally. If desired, we can continue to provide flexible support after the sustainability management system has been established, for example in the form of a coaching mandate.

Credible management of remaining emissions

Regardless of how environmental measures are implemented, there may still be "hard to abate" emissions that can only be reduced to a limited extent. We can advise you on how to support credible and effective carbon offset projects in order to achieve your net-zero goal in the medium and long term (interview with INFRAS Managing Partner Jürg Füssler on carbon offset projects).

Further INFRAS articles on the topic of sustainability management (in German)

INFRAS also thinks and acts sustainably internally. We are committed to rapidly reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. Every year, we review our climate and environmental impacts and prepare an environmental report.

Project team

Felix Weber Associate Partner
David Giger Research Associate
Moritz Reisser Senior Project Manager
Ursina Walther Senior Project Manager
Nicolas Schmid Senior Project Manager
Jürg Füssler Managing Partner


Corporate sustainability services (ongoing offer)





Who we work for


Felix Weber Associate Partner