Shared Socioeconomic Pathways

Climate change: five scenarios for Switzerland at the end of the 21st century

April 15, 2024

The effects of climate change are already both tangible and measurable in Switzerland. Climate policy aims to respond to the issue. But what will things be like in 70 or so years? An ongoing research project illustrates potential socioeconomic and political developments of Swiss climate policy. INFRAS is in charge of implementing the project.

How will climate change and our response to it leave their mark? The research project illustrates five possibilities with five scenarios. (Foto: Stephan Lehner / Unsplash)
How will climate change and our response to it leave their mark? The research project illustrates five possibilities with five scenarios. (Foto: Stephan Lehner / Unsplash)

What will Switzerland be like at the end of the 21st century? How will climate change and climate policy have left their mark – especially on society? The ‘Shared Socioeconomic Pathways’ research project by the National Centre for Climate Services (NCCS) of the Swiss Confederation is dedicated to answering this question. INFRAS is in charge of implementing the project and working with the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Prognos and Zoï Environment Network as project partners.

Scenarios as a basis for long-term decisions

The project delivers five socioeconomic and climate policy scenarios for Switzerland at the end of the century in relation to climate change. It examines questions such as: which current policies in relevant sectors tend to put society on a sustainable development path and which policies tend to prevent this? And: what different climate protection policies are conceivable in the various scenarios? These scenarios provide a basis for long-term strategic decisions, risk analyses and environmental modelling.

A bridge between sciencitic insights and policy measures

The ‘Shared Socioeconomic Pathways for Switzerland’ project is one of six interlinked projects within the scope of the NCCS ‘Decision Support for Dealing with Climate Change in Switzerland: a cross-sectoral approach’ (‘NCCS-Impacts’) programme. Regarding climate protection and adaptation to climate change, the programme bridges the gap between scientific principles and real-life measures. The projects that make up the programme will continue into 2025.

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Project team

Quirin Oberpriller Associate Partner
Nicolas Schmid Senior Project Manager
Jürg Füssler Managing Partner


Shared Socioeconomic Pathways for Switzerland


2023 - 2025



Who we work for

National Centre for Climate Services (NCCS)


Quirin Oberpriller Associate Partner