Second Benchmarking of Energy Suppliers

Nov. 17, 2015
Are Swiss energy suppliers fit for the energy future? Answers to this question provides the benchmarking of energy suppliers which INFRAS and Brandes Energie have carried out for the second time on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (BFE). On the basis of practice-related criteria from seven fields of action, the benchmarking compares the different contributions of the energy providers regarding more energy sufficiency and renewable energies.

The results show developments towards an energy turnaround. However, they also indicate that there is still potential for improvement and further action: On average, the participants reach 49% of the goals defined in the benchmarking. As already in the first benchmarking, the differences between the particular energy providers vary to a great extent.

62 companies have voluntarily participated in the second benchmarking – altogether they cover 58% of the Swiss sales volume.

Project team

Anna Vettori Associate Partner, Member of the INFRAS Board of Directors
Rolf Iten Former Managing Partner
Judith Reutimann Senior Project Manager




Who we work for

Bundesamt für Energie BFE Energiewirtschaft



Anna Vettori Associate Partner, Member of the INFRAS Board of Directors