SDG Monitoring Report 2022

UN Sustainable Development Goals: how is the EU progressing?

Sept. 30, 2022

How is the European Union progressing with implementing the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals? Vienna University of Economics and Business, the Ecologic Institute and INFRAS have analysed its progress for the Eurostat report ‘Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context 2022’.

An overview of the general trend: the monitoring report shows the progress that the EU has made towards the Sustainable Development Goals. (Graphic: Eurostat 2022)
An overview of the general trend: the monitoring report shows the progress that the EU has made towards the Sustainable Development Goals. (Graphic: Eurostat 2022)

The 2030 Agenda saw the United Nations (UN) set 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The progress made by the European Union (EU) in achieving these goals (SDGs for short) has been demonstrated by Eurostat in their ‘Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context 2022’ using more than 100 different indicators.

INFRAS analysed the EU’s progress with five of the 17 SDGs

Since 2016, a consortium consisting of Vienna University of Economics and Business, the Ecologic Institute and INFRAS has been working together to produce this annual report. Vienna University of Economics and Business is responsible for the overall management of the report. For the 2022 monitoring report, INFRAS analysed the EU’s progress with five of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals:

  • SDG 1: ‘No poverty’
  • SDG 3: ‘Good health and well-being’
  • SDG 4: ‘Quality education’
  • SDG 5: ‘Gender equality’
  • SDG 9: ‘Industry, innovation and infrastructure’

Each section contains a brief overview of how successfully each specific goal has been achieved, a detailed analysis, and diagrams showing the trends in the relevant indicators over time.

Significant or moderate progress with many goals

Overall, the monitoring report indicates that in recent years, the EU has made progress with many of the Sustainable Development Goals, including improving access to justice and trust in institutions (SDG 16), reducing poverty and social exclusion (SDG 1), and achieving progress in the field of the economy and the labour market (SDG 8).

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Project team

Myriam Steinemann Associate Partner, Member of the INFRAS Board of Directors
Ariane De Rocchi Freie Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Sabine Fries Senior Project Manager
Anik Kohli Associate Partner
Christoph Petry Senior Project Manager


Sustainable development in the European Union — Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context


2016 - 2022



Who we work for



Myriam Steinemann Associate Partner, Member of the INFRAS Board of Directors