As a member of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Switzerland must report its greenhouse gas emissions annually. The current report shows that these emissions in the year 2019 were approximately 14 percent lower than in 1990.

Approximately 14 percent less greenhouse gas was emitted in Switzerland in the year 2019 compared to the year 1990 – and this even despite the fact that the population grew significantly during this time period. The «National Inventory Report» presents this result. The greenhouse gas emission was approximately 5.4 tons per capita, but this only includes the emissions incurred in Switzerland; any emissions incurred abroad due to imported goods are not included in this calculation. Economic structural change and energy-efficient buildings are main reasons for this reduction.
As a member of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Switzerland must report its greenhouse gas emissions annually and document them in detail in the «National Inventory Report». On behalf of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, INFRAS collaborated on the report and provided updated data on traffic. The traffic data were calculated based on the Handbook for Emission Factors for Road Transport (HBEFA), which INFRAS recently revised.
INFRAS has supported the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) since 2003 in developing the greenhouse gas emission inventory. You can find a summary of the published reports and data tables on the webpage of the UNFCCC secretariat (UN Climate Change).