To date, only a small number of Switzerland's largest pension funds have adopted a fully sustainability-based approach to investment. Although most pension institutions address aspects of sustainability when investing their capital, only a few have consistently integrated sustainability throughout their investment processes and decisions. That is the conclusion of the 2018/2019 WWF Pension Fund Rating.

How do pension funds invest their insureds' money? How transparently do they report on the sustainable impact of those investments? Commissioned by and in cooperation with the WWF Switzerland and in the name of Inrate, INFRAS analysed and evaluated the 20 largest Swiss pension funds with regard to these questions.
Background: INFRAS produces conceptual foundations and recommendations for sustainable financial systems. It developed an independent approach for sustainability assessments of companies and countries for sustainability rating agency Inrate. INFRAS shares responsibility for the continued refinement of Inrate's rating products and methodology, as well as for conducting special rating studies. Its portfolio also includes assessments of the climate impact of individual projects for direct project financing and green bonds.
If you would like to know more, click here for the full WWF 2018/2019 Pension Fund Rating (in german) as well as a summary. The SRF business and finance magazine programme 'ECO' also reported on the new ratings in its 4 February 2019 edition.