A look at the present situation, past developments – and forecasts up to 2060: INFRAS has prepared a report on air pollutant emissions from road transport for the federal government. Modelling results show how stricter regulations affect the rate of emission reductions.

Road transport is still a key cause of air pollution and global warming. INFRAS has prepared a report for the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) setting out the current status of road transport emissions as well as past and future developments.
The study is based on modelling work with the Handbook of Emission Factors for Road Transport (HBEFA).
A look at emission reductions up to 2060
The report on air pollutant emissions from road transport in Switzerland covers the period from 1990 to 2060 and acts as a specific practical example of how HBEFA modelling results can be used on a national level for Switzerland. Among other objectives, the data serves as a foundation for evaluating future measures and projects relating to air pollutant emissions.
The forecasts from this study on air pollutant emissions go up to 2060, that is ten years further than the previous update. The latest methodological updates to HBEFA were also included.
Showcasing the impact of new laws and regulations
The basic conclusions and forecasts from previous reports were largely confirmed. However, the report also shows that new emission regulations are having an effect. They have caused emissions of most air pollutants to drop significantly. The report also forecasts a significantly faster reduction of CO2 – which is partly a result of the Climate and Innovation Act voted in by the Swiss electorate in 2023. If decarbonisation of road transport continues and the legislation is implemented, the forecast will become reality.
More information
HBEFA overview
The Handbook of Emission Factors for Road Transport is a standard data source for emission calculations and has been used in various studies and for other applications, including this report. It provides emission factors for the most common vehicle categories, broken down by emissions concept and various transport situations. Development partners and authorities in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France, Norway and Sweden have all contributed to the HBEFA.
Detailed information on the Handbook of Emission Factors for Road Transport can be found in the following INFRAS article:
Link to HBEFA website