Benchmarking Energy Suppliers

May 23, 2014
The energy policy of the Swiss Federal Council intends to strengthen renewable energies and energy efficiency with energy suppliers in order to guide the demand in this direction. For this purpose, INFRAS and the Association for Environmentally Sound Energy (VUE) have developed a benchmarking on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (BFE). The benchmarking examines the efforts of the energy suppliers in the areas energy efficiency and renewable energies on the basis of practice-related criteria from seven fields of action (strategy, production, service/products). The results show considerable differences between the energy suppliers, there are, however, signs visible for the energy turnaround. There are noticeable efforts in the right direction by the energy suppliers in all the action fields, in particular in the field of the energy services. However, in principle, there is still a potential for improvement, especially concerning the rehabilitation of hydropower plants and concerning the supply mixture.

Project team

Anna Vettori Associate Partner, Member of the INFRAS Board of Directors
Rolf Iten Former Managing Partner
Judith Reutimann Senior Project Manager
Donald Sigrist Senior Project Manager




Who we work for

Bundesamt für Energie Sektion Energieeffizienz



Anna Vettori Associate Partner, Member of the INFRAS Board of Directors