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Updated methodology and calculation

External costs and benefits of transport in Switzerland

, | Nov. 29, 2024


Air pollution, accidents, noise and climate change: transport has many costs that are not borne by the transport users themselves. On behalf of the federal government, INFRAS and Ecoplan have updated the methodology for calculating external effects and recalculated the figures for 2021. A new damage cost approach was adopted for calculating climate costs.

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Land consumption in passenger transport

Research project: new methodology for estimating land consumption of modes of transportation

, , | Aug. 20, 2024


How much space do cars, public transport vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians require? This is an increasingly important question in planning and politics, especially in built-up city areas. Working together with Lajo AG, INFRAS has developed a new methodology for estimating the land consumption of different modes of passenger transportation.  

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Shared Socioeconomic Pathways

Climate change: five scenarios for Switzerland at the end of the 21st century

, , , | April 15, 2024


The effects of climate change are already both tangible and measurable in Switzerland. Climate policy aims to respond to the issue. But what will things be like in 70 or so years? An ongoing research project illustrates potential socioeconomic and political developments of Swiss climate policy. INFRAS is in charge of implementing the project. 

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