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Methodology for estimating expenditure

How much does Germany spend on climate change adaptation?

, | Feb. 18, 2025


To mitigate the consequences of climate change, the German government is investing in measures to adapt to climate change. The amount of this expenditure was previously unknown. INFRAS has analysed the budget on behalf of the German Environment Agency and helped to develop a methodology for estimating expenditure on climate adaptation.

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WWF Retail Bank Rating 2024

How ecologically sustainable are the Swiss banks?

, , | Nov. 19, 2024


Progress has been made, but there is still a lot to be done when it comes to environmental sustainability at the 15 largest retail banks in Switzerland. These are the findings of the WWF Retail Bank Rating 2024, which INFRAS conducted for and together with the WWF. An important focus of the rating is the assessment of the impact of the banks' activities on the environment. 

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Transition finance in Switzerland

The road to net zero – finance and the real economy

, | May 12, 2022


What does transition finance mean to the Swiss (financial) economy and what are currently the main challenges faced in financing the transition to net zero by 2050? INFRAS examined this in a study conducted on behalf of the WWF. Based on this, the WWF has drawn up recommendations for Switzerland’s financial market, industry and politics.

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Decarbonization of public transport

What would climate-neutral mobility mean for the Swiss economy?

, , , | Feb. 11, 2022


The transport sector is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in Switzerland. How can these emissions be reduced in a way that is as economically and socially acceptable as possible? There is still little information available on which to base an answer to this question, which is why it is currently the subject of research by a team from INFRAS and ETH Zurich, as part of the NRP 73 National Research Programme.

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Sustainable financial investments

Luxembourg Sovereign Sustainability Bond: EUR 1.5 billion for social and sustainable projects

, , , | Nov. 4, 2021


Financial markets play an important role on the journey to a low-carbon future. Luxembourg has positioned itself as a pioneer for sustainable investments with the Luxembourg Sovereign Sustainability Bond. On behalf of the Luxembourg government, INFRAS developed together with 4Climate and other partners the first impact report that measured both the CO2 emissions that were saved as well as additional environmental benefits.

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