The 'Climate Ledger Initiative' picks up speed
News, Development | Nov. 29, 2017

Climate action and blockchain? To use the advantages of an intersection of these two strands is the idea of the Climate Ledger Initiative.
News, Development | Nov. 29, 2017
Climate action and blockchain? To use the advantages of an intersection of these two strands is the idea of the Climate Ledger Initiative.
News, Environment and Climate, Transport | June 15, 2017
About eight out of ten certified climate protection projects in the period 2012 – 2020 would most probably also have been implemented without the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). This is the conclusion of an analysis issued on behalf of the EU Commission.
News, Space, Economy | June 14, 2017
Once the air force will have moved from Buochs Airport in the Canton of Nidwalden, it shall be opened for civil use. The project brings up many questions. INFRAS examined them in depth and lead as well as moderated through the process with its political actors.
News, Environment and Climate | June 9, 2017
What was the development regarding greenhouse gas emissions in Liechtenstein? Being a member state of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Principality has committed to annually disclose the corresponding figures. The 'National Inventory Report' shows: In comparison to 1990, the annual greenhouse gas emissions in 2015 were reduced by 13 percent.
News, Environment and Climate | June 2, 2017
There has been a significant reduction of air pollutant emissions in Switzerland within the last quarter of a century. The current Informative Inventory Report (IIR) shows the respective development and describes in detail how this progress has been evaluated.
News, Environment and Climate | June 2, 2017
Being a member state of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Switzerland has committed to annually disclose the figures on its greenhouse gas emissions. The current report shows: In comparison to 1990, the annual greenhouse gas emissions today have, on average, been reduced.
News, Environment and Climate, Energy, Development | May 2, 2017
How can a country evaluate its climate policy? A compendium by international experts shows methods by which countries can assess by themselves, how effective their climate policy is. And it shows what additional efforts are required in order to achieve their national climate protection goals.
News, Environment and Climate | April 6, 2017
As a contribution to the implementation of the Paris Agreement to protect the climate, an expert group has written several discussion papers on behalf of the German Environment Agency. They deal with key issues for discussion and drafting of international rules for Article 6. This article enables the use of international market mechanisms to fulfil the countries’ contribution to climate protection.
News, Environment and Climate | April 5, 2017
In Switzerland, about 4300 stationary engines and gas turbines are in use. The “Swiss emissions inventory of stationary engines and gas turbines for the year 2014” provides detailed information on energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
News, Environment and Climate, Economy, Development | March 20, 2017
Greenhouse gas emission reduction projects of different countries can only be assessed, compared and plausibly certified when applying international valuation standards. This is a precondition for well-functioning crediting mechanisms, by which effective projects are awarded with tradable certificates. This is one of the conclusions reached by INFRAS, in cooperation with other climate experts, in a report commissioned by the Swedish Energy Agency.