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Methodology for estimating expenditure

How much does Germany spend on climate change adaptation?

, | Feb. 18, 2025


To mitigate the consequences of climate change, the German government is investing in measures to adapt to climate change. The amount of this expenditure was previously unknown. INFRAS has analysed the budget on behalf of the German Environment Agency and helped to develop a methodology for estimating expenditure on climate adaptation.

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Emissions in the building sector

Conversion instead of demolition and new construction: solutions for fewer grey emissions

, , , | Dec. 19, 2024


In the building sector, a large share of CO2 emissions are generated during the construction phase. An important lever for reducing these grey emissions are conversions instead of new replacements. INFRAS is looking for solutions on behalf of the federal government to reduce barriers to conversions and refurbishments.  

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Joint blogpost

The ICVCM approval of three REDD methodologies presents risks to the integrity of the initiative

, , | Dec. 10, 2024


In November 2024, the Governing Board of the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) approved three methodologies for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). The methodologies are now eligible for issuing “high integrity” carbon credits under the Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) label of the ICVCM. We are concerned with this decision. While the methodologies have been improved compared to previous versions, in our assessment they do not meet the requirements of the ICVCM Assessment Framework. Here we explain why. 

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